Molly Nikolas, Ph.D. (she/her)
Dr. Molly Nikolas is the director of the Iowa ADHD and Development Laboratory. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Michigan State University in 2011, and completed her clinical internship at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Dr. Nikolas’s research interests involve examining the causal processes underlying attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and co-occurring disruptive behavior disorders. She is specifically interested in identifying the genetic variants and gene-environment interplay processes that contribute to ADHD. In addition, Dr. Nikolas is specifically interested in identifying factors that contribute to ADHD during the transition from childhood into adolescence (e.g., the pubertal transition) and then from adolescence into early adulthood. The lab uses genetic, cognitive, psychophysiological (e.g., electrocardiogram), behavioral, and informant report measures to examine risk and protective factors for ADHD and comorbid conditions. Dr. Nikolas has recently started using intensive longitudinal designs, including ecological momentary assessment (EMA), to examine within-person variability in mood, behavior, and substance use symptoms to further explore ADHD comorbidity and its potential underlying contributors.