ADHD and Development Lab Members

The Iowa ADHD and Development Lab involves both undergraduate and graduate research assistants focused on understanding the causes, correlates, and consequences of ADHD across childhood and early adulthood. Members of the lab are routinely involved in data collection on ongoing projects and work with archival data to examine risk and protective factors for ADHD across multiple levels of analysis.  Our lab meets every Friday from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in 369 PBSB  where we regularly discuss lab duties, professional development, and recent scientific findings related to ADHD and developmental psychopathology. 

Lab Manual

All lab members are expected to read and be familiar with our lab manual.  This outlines general expectations for all lab members as well as our individual duties and roles. 

Lab Logs

 Lab logs run from Friday - Thursday each week and are sent to members on Fridays at 10am via email.  Be sure to include time spent in data collection visits, scoring, entering data, literature searches, and preparing for lab meeting.  Please submit your lab logs each week by Friday at 5 p.m.

Slack Channel

Lab members can join our Slack Channel here!  Be sure to check the Slack for updated information about lab meetings, professional development opportunities, trainings, and more!

Lab Meeting Articles Fall 2024

August 30 - Semester Orientation

September 6 - Dr. Nikolas: McQuade, J. D., Taubin, D., & Mordy, A. E. (2024). Positive Emotion Dysregulation and Social Impairments in Adolescents with and without ADHD. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

September 13:  Teen Transition Data Presentation

September 20 - NO LAB MEETING

September 27: Leiana Dissertation Proposal/SRCD Submission Share

October 4 - Malayna Stober

October 11:  Pre-Perinatal Risk Factors and ADHD:  Moderation by ADHD Polygenic Risk

October 18:  Polygenic Risk Effects for Youth Emotion Regulation

October 25 - Marissa Goad:

November 1 - Payton Conrad:

November 8 - Emma Langley:

November 15 - Bella Motley: 

November 22 - NO LAB MEETING

December 6 - Jessica Thaurad First-Year Project Presentation

December 13 - Lab Holiday Party!