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The following are selected publications from the lab over the past several years.
* Asterisks indicate student authors.
de la Paz, L., Whitney, B. M., Weires, E. M.*, & Nikolas, M. A. (2025). A meta-analytic evaluation of cognitive
endophenotypes for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Comparisons of unaffected relatives and
controls. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Advance online publication.
de la Paz, L.*, Mooney, M. A., Ryabinin, P., Neighbor, C., Antovich, D., Nigg, J. T., & Nikolas, M. A. (2023). Youth Polygenic Scores, Youth ADHD Symptoms, and Parenting Dimensions: An Evocative Gene-Environment Correlation Study. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
Momany, A.M.*, Jasper, E., Markon, K.E., Nikolas, M.A., & Ryckman, K. (2023). Latent class analysis to characterize neonatal risk for neurodevelopmental differences. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64, 100-109.
Eadeh, H.-M.*, Breaux, R., Boyd-Rogers, C., Priest, J. B., & Nikolas, M. A. (2023). Self-regulation in gender and sexual orientation diverse adults: Exploring patterns of risk and resilience using a person-centered approach. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 17, 22–39.
Mooney, M. A., Neighbor, C., Karalunas, S., Dieckmann, N. F., Nikolas, M., Nousen, E., Tipsord, J., Song, X., & Nigg, J. T. (2022). Prediction of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis Using Brief, Low-Cost Clinical Measures: A Competitive Model Evaluation. Clinical Psychological Science.
O’Neal, E. E., Rahimian, P., Jiang, Y., Zhou, S., Nikolas, M., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2022). How do child ADHD symptoms and oppositionality impact parent-child interactions when crossing virtual roads? Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 47, 337–349.
Kamradt, J. M.*, Eadeh, H.-M.*, & Nikolas, M. A. (2022). Sluggish cognitive tempo as a transdiagnostic link between adult ADHD and internalizing Symptoms. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44, 699–712.
*Eadeh, H.-M., Breaux, R., & Nikolas, M. A. (2021). A meta-analytic review of emotion regulation focused psychosocial interventions for adolescents. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 24, 684–706.
Eadeh, H.-M*., Markon, K. E., Nigg, J. T., & Nikolas, M. A. (2021). Evaluating the viability of neurocognition as a transdiagnostic construct using both latent variable models and network analysis. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 697–710.
Marshall, P., Hoelzle, J., & Nikolas, M. (2021). Diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in young adults: A qualitative review of the utility of assessment measures and recommendations for improving the diagnostic process. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35, 165–198.
Mooney, M. A., Bhatt, P., Hermosillo, R. J. M., Ryabinin, P., Nikolas, M., Faraone, S. V., Fair, D. A., Wilmot, B., & Nigg, J. T. (2021). Smaller total brain volume but not subcortical structure volume related to common genetic risk for ADHD. Psychological Medicine, 51(8), 1279–1288.
Momany, A.M.,* Lussier, S., Nikolas, M.A., & Stevens, H. (2021). Telomere length and ADHD symptoms in young adults. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25, 906-919.
Eadeh, H.-M.*, Breaux, R., Langberg, J. M., Nikolas, M. A., & Becker, S. P. (2020). Multigroup multilevel structure of the child and parent versions of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in adolescents with and without ADHD. Psychological Assessment, 32(4), 374–382.
Nikolas, M.A., Marshall, P., & Hoelzle, J. (2019). The role of neurocognitive measures in the diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults. Psychological Assessment, 31, 685-698.
Kamradt, J.M.*, Nikolas, M.A., Burns, G.L., Garner, A.A., Jarrett, M.A., Luebbe, A.M., & Becker, S.P. (2019). Barkley Deficits in Executive Function Scale: Validation in a large multi-site college sample. Assessment.
Kamradt, J.M*., Momany, A.M.*, & Nikolas, M.A. (2018). Sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms contribute to heterogeneity in adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40, 206-223.
Momany, A.M.*, Kamradt, J.M.*, & Nikolas, M.A. (2018). A meta-analysis of the association between birth weight and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46, 1409-1426.
Kamradt, J.M.*, Momany, A.M.*, & Nikolas, M.A. (2018). A meta-analytic review of the association between cortisol reactivity in response to a stressor and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 10, 99-111.
Elmore, A.L.*, Nikolas, M.A., & Canu, W. (2017). Cognitive expectancies and valuations mediate links between ADHD behaviors and problematic alcohol use. ADHD: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 10, 65-75.
Ullsperger, J.M.*, & Nikolas, M.A. (2017). A meta-analytic review of the association between pubertal timing and psychopathology in adolescence: Are there sex differences in risk? Psychological Bulletin, 143, 903-938.
Nikolas, M.A. & Momany, A.M.* (2017). DRD4 variants moderate the impact of parental characteristics on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Evidence from a multiplex family design. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 429-442. doi: 10.1007/s10802-017-0264-y
*Momany, A.M., Kamradt, J.M.*, Ullsperger, J.M.*, Elmore, A.L.*, Nigg, J.T., & Nikolas, M.A. (2017). Sex moderates the impact of birth weight on child externalizing psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126, 244-256.